+91 8250027127

Our Vision & Mission

All the teaching and non-teaching staff members are obliged to always to keep in mind the objective for which the Institute was established. Being the only Institution of its kind in the country, established and run by the Government for the preservation and development of the Nyingmapa way of life, in the fast paced world of today and globalization of all aspects of life, it has got its un-paralleled, unique importance. It is with this realization that all the members of the staff are doing their mite towards that end. In the absence of proper support and nurturing, the one of a kind Nyingmapa culture- religion, traditions and customs, all included- will be threatened by disappearance forever. It is desirable that in order to fulfill its objective it maintains its exclusive stand alone character. Our efforts are directed towards making it a repository of all that Nyingmapa way of life stands for.